Famous Williams Quiz Round
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

All the questions and answers relate to people named William
William Kidd born in Scotland in 1645 is well remembered for pursuing what activity?
Known as 'the Bard of Avon'
William Shakespeare
Well connected helicopter pilot who married Catherine on 29 April 2011 in Westminster Abbey
Prince William
English romantic poet, and Poet Laureat from 1843 until his death in 1850
William Wordsworth
American singer, songwriter, record producer, born William Adams in 1975. Who is he better known as?
Scottish knight made universally famous by his portrayal in the film Braveheart
William Wallace
Canadian actor who still has a cult following from an early sci-fi role, and also played Denny Crane in Boston Legal
William Shatner
English actor who holds the Guinness World Record as the longest-serving, living, television actor in a continuous role.
William Roche
British novelist and playwright, and author of Lord of the Flies
William Golding
He was first Norman King of England, reigning from 1066 until his death in 1087
William the Conqueror