Where was Elon Musk born? (Round 141)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, was born in which country?
South Africa
Whom did Harold Wilson succeed as prime minister in 1964?
Sir Alec Douglas-Home
The pound sign appears above which number on a keyboard?
Which national cricket team are known as 'The Black Caps'?
New Zealand
Who stars alongside Patrick Stewart and Daphne Keen in the title role of Logan?
Hugh Jackman
Alice in Wonderland was written under the pen name of Lewis Carroll, but was was the writer's real name?
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
What is the common name for the animal of the genus Vulpes.
Which company invented the chocolate bar in 1847?
JS Fry & Sons
As of season 2016-17, which city has always had a team in the highest division of English football?
Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport services which city?