Geography Travel Quiz (Round 8)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Published: 18th September 2020
A geography round to test your travel knowledge, or for use in your next pub quiz.
If you are playing without an audience then the questions are repeated below with the answers.
1) Llyn Llydaw and Glaslyn are lakes on which UK mountain?
2) What is the name of the bridge that spans the Arno, in Florence, at its narrowest point and famously has shops built along its length.
3) Zealand is the largest island of which country?
4) Mamucium was the Roman name for which modern city?
5) On what river does the Chinese capital stand?
6) Which of the UK's National Parks was the most recently established in 2009? a) Pembrokeshire Coast b) New Forest c) South Downs
7) Quito is the capital of which South American country?
8) Lake Victoria, spanning Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya is the largest reservoir of which river?
1) Llyn Llydaw and Glaslyn are lakes on which UK mountain?
2) What is the name of the bridge that spans the Arno, in Florence, at its narrowest point and famously has shops built along its length.
Ponte Vecchio
3) Zealand is the largest island of which country?
4) Mamucium was the Roman name for which modern city?
5) On what river does the Chinese capital stand?
Yellow river
6) Which of the UK's National Parks was the most recently established in 2009? a) Pembrokeshire Coast b) New Forest c) South Downs
c) South Downs
7) Quito is the capital of which South American country?
8) Lake Victoria, spanning Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya is the largest reservoir of which river?
The Nile