It Happened in April Quiz (Round 4)

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Which ill-fated ship began its sea trials in April 1912?
RMS Titanic


Which group held the first five positions on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1964?


Who was assassinated by James Earl Ray in April 1968?
Martin Luther King


In Virginia in 1614, English colonist John Rolfe married which Native American?


Why were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg sentenced to death in the USA in 1951?
Spying for the Soviet Union


In 1957, Olympic Airlines was founded by which Greek shipping tycoon?
Aristotle Onassis


The Swedish pop band ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Waterloo" in April of which year?


Booker T. Washington became the first African American to be depicted on what?
A United States postage stamp