Politics (UK) Quiz Round 1
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Former Downing St Press secretary who now champions mental health issues.
Alastair Campbell
In the House of Commons, who as of 2016, is the current 'Father of the House'?
Gerald Kaufman
Which stately home, by convention, is placed at the disposal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer?
As of the 2015 election, how many political parties are represented in parliament? a) 12, b) 15, c) 18
a) 12
Who has been the only woman to be selected as Speaker of the House of Commons?
Betty Boothroyd
How many MPs were elected at the 2015 General Election?
The Parliamentary procedure which allows one or more MPs to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal, by extending a debate is known as what?
Since 2010 what parliamentary position has been held by Lieutenant-General David Leakey?
Black Rod
How long does Prime Minister's Question Time last?
Half an hour
In a parliamentary election what minimum percentage of the vote must a candidate achieve to avoid losing their deposit?